Data Selections allows users to easily access and report on more data from their relational database than has ever been possible in the past.

The Data Selections Framework (DSF) does not replace existing reporting tools. DSF simply bolts-on to any existing BI visualization product.

Our data selection utility allows users to easily feed data fields to reports when they need them:

The datapreviewer delivered with DSF is simply a utility program that gives you the ability to see your selected data values immediately. Any product you currently use for data visualization can then be used to report the data. Your own software product, a third party reporting/BI Tool or anything else you currently use to report on your database. No IT involvement required.

We do not replace any of your existing reporting tools. DSF just makes them more powerful by quickly and easily exposing data elements in business terms end-users understand.

DSF mines your data and manages database Views that can be used as the data source to your other reporting tools.