Administrative Options can be access by clicking the expand buttonon Settings section of the main menu on the Administration tab: 


Auto Check

When enabled the system will check to see if there is a new version available on every login.

If there are pending updates there will be an indicator in the upper-right hand corner of the main screen.

You can also manually check for updates by selecting the "Check For Updates..." option on the Administration tab of the main menu.

Clicking the "Pending Updates" or from a manual updates check you will be shown the "What's in it for me?" screen.

This will list all updates that have not yet been applied with any detailed notes about the version changes.

DSF will always update to the latest version of the system found at the top of the list and include all previous versions. 

We recommend always running at the latest version unless you have good reason not to.


Prompt For Download

System will prompt before downloading any update files.


This is only used by administrators. If in Multi-User mode you will want this to be in a shared location.


Maximum Tree Levels

This option only matters with large database structures.

The number here limits the number of tree levels (nested groupings) of data elements that will be loaded on each expansion. 

Some database structures may have hundreds of nested levels of data elements found during discovery.

Loading thousands or sometimes hundreds of thousands of data elements into a hierarchical list can take an extremely long time.

There are many variables that determine how long a user will have to wait. (Machine power, database speed, network,etc.)

DSF will limit the tree expansion to the number of levels indicated here. Set this number to what works best for your data and hardware configuration. There is no right or wrong number.

This limit DOES NOT stop the user from drilling down hundreds of levels to find their data elements, it only limits how many levels are loaded at one time when trying to expand all items at once.


If you are working with a very large data structure we recommend that once you find your element at the lower levels, you add the element to your Favorites group. When adding the element to Favorites it can later be accessed quickly because it will be saved at the first few levels of the Favorites tree.